Japanese Environmental NGOs' response to In-depth Review of
Japan's Third National Communications under the UNFCCC

5 Dec,2002

From 2 to 6 December in 2002, Secretariat of UNFCCC and international review team of experts have visited Japan and in-depth review of Japan's 3rd National Communications, submitted this May, was held in Tokyo. On 5 December, at the hearing to Environmental NGOs, 6 NGO members have represented respective views on Japanese climate change policy to expert review team. Their documents are as follows:

Current Japan's Climate Change Policy Package and its decision making process (53.9KB)
Kimiko Hirata, Kiko Network

CASA's Position Paper for the third depth review of the National Communication (Japan) to United Nations of Framework of Convention on Climate Change (140KB)
Ken'ichi Oshima, Citizens' Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA)

On Sinks, Voluntary Efforts of the Individuals, and Kyoto Mechanism -Lack of Real Policies to Guarantee Reduction (37.6KB)
Yurika Ayukawa, WWF Japan

Japan's energy policies: the need for stable promotion policy for renewables (30.6KB)
?Figures (94.3KB)
Mika Ohbayashi, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies

2002: Opinions on Japan's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (87.5KB)
Taeko Ando, People's Research Institute on Energy and Environment

Analysis of Economic Instruments (tax and fiscal policy) in Japan's Climate Change Policy (30.9KB)
HATA, Naoyuki, Carbon Tax Research Group