
  1. Japan?is expected to is?to fulfill the?the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period target:
  2. Until now, Japan’s CO2 emissions have grown alongside the increase of?nuclear power generation:
  3. Japan’s nuclear power is only 10% of primary energy supply:
  4. After 1990, nuclear power was promoted to fight climate change, but CO2 emissions didn’t decrease:
  5. CO2 emissions have risen after the Fukushima accident, but Japan can recover and reduce emissions through energy efficiency and renewables within a few years
  6. People no longer support nucleareople, thus a plan to restart operations of nuclear power?plants will most certainly fail:
  7. The economic burden of not restarting nuclear plants is often emphasized, but the cause is largely?rising fossil fuels price even though imports had no risen by much:
  8. After 2020, Japan can take further measures. By 2050, it is possible to reduce emissions by 80% without relying on nuclear power:
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Nuclear shut-down does not justify Japan’s weak target (675KB)