Co-filers of shareholder proposal jointly released the 2nd investor briefing in response to the 3 banks’ announcements.

All 3 megabanks released board of directors’ opinion on the same day (May 15). In addition, SMBC Financial Group published “Transition Finance Playbook” on May 24. None of their opinions and documents touched on the core issues sought in the shareholder proposals or were persuaded by us.
Thus, we have released 2nd investor briefing including our comments to the Transition Finance Playbook.

Analysis of megabanks’ updates and board opinions confirms the need
for climate-related shareholder proposals (PDF)


[Press Release] Six companies in Tokyo Prime Market, including all 3 “Mega-banks” face climate shareholder resolutions (2023/4/11) (Link)

Shareholder Poroposals: MUFG, SMFG, and Mizuho FG(PDF)

Related documents and website

Investor Briefing : MUFG, SMFG, and Mizuho FG (2023/4/10)(PDF)

Asia Shareholder Action:


Kiko Network
Yasuko Suzuki E-mail: suzuki[@]